

Become a Distributor

Tired of sending prospective customers away because you could not supply their gas requirements? Remember the customer who went elsewhere because you only offer a cylinder rental supply package, or how they complained about paying rental?

Are you missing the additional sales to customers who are seeking gas refills or exchanges elsewhere?

Fill in the form and join the Pacific Gas’s community of distributors today.

Pacific Gas has an ever-growing distributor base community across Victoria. Interested in becoming a Pacific Gas’s distributor? Contact us today.

  • Benefits of Joining Pacific Gas

Pacific Gas works with distributors to provide assistance, industrial knowledge training and on-going support.

Pacific Gas shares marketing tools to support our distributors to grow their business and enjoy a successful journey of working together.

Pacific Gas offers a new way of purchasing gas. One that gives the customer complete ownership and saves them money.

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24-26 Cumberland Drive Seaford

Copyright 2023 Pacific Gas. All Rights Reserved.


Become a Distributor

Tired of sending prospective customers away because you could not supply their gas requirements? Remember the customer who went elsewhere because you only offer a cylinder rental supply package, or how they complained about paying rental?

Are you missing the additional sales to customers who are seeking gas refills or exchanges elsewhere?

Fill in the form and join the Pacific Gas’s community of distributors today.

Pacific Gas has an ever-growing distributor base community across Victoria. Interested in becoming a Pacific Gas’s distributor? Contact us today.

  • Benefits of Joining Pacific Gas

Pacific Gas works with distributors to provide assistance, industrial knowledge training and on-going support.

Pacific Gas shares marketing tools to support our distributors to grow their business and enjoy a successful journey of working together.

Pacific Gas offers a new way of purchasing gas-one that gives the customer complete ownership and saves them money.

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+61 3 9776 8382

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Copyright 2023 Pacific Gas. All Rights Reserved.